• ACT tutor
    Customized ACT tutoring on a flexible schedule - and
    we'll even make house calls.
    Pick Your Plan Now


There is no better method of raising ACT scores than one-on-one tutoring with a top 1% tutor. There is simply no better way of raising scores than spending time directly with a bonafide expert tutor. Our ACT tutoring program customizes the entire experience based on your student's learning style, test weaknesses and goals.

Top 1% Tutors

Tutor quality is the single most important factor in your student's improvement. All of our ACT tutors have scored in the top 1% on the test and passed multiple rounds of teaching auditions. No one has a higher standard.

Flexible Scheduling

Our private tutoring students schedule sessions directly with their tutor, and we can easily work around busy school and sports schedules. We can prep quickly or slowly, and we build the entire plan around your target test date.

Sessions at Your Home

ACT tutoring sessions can be held at your home or a nearby public library, making the logistics as convenient as possible for your son or daughter.

Customized Experience

We spend time where it's most effective, and your son or daughter's needs take total priority. Need extra help in math or with timing? No problem.

Last year, we hired fewer than 3% of our tutoring applicants.


Tutoring Applications Received


Interviews Conducted


Tutors Hired

See Who Made the Cut



Get more quality prep done in less time. The entire ACT tutoring program is customized based on the student's strengths and weaknesses, and scheduling fits perfectly around the student's other commitments.


We have a strong track record of raising scores and getting students into top colleges. Our ACT tutoring program is the most powerful way to massively raise scores in the shortest possible time.


Our private tutoring students can schedule sessions at a time that works for them. Our tutors have great evening and weekend availability, so it's easy to work around students' busy schedules.


ACT tutoring is all about tailoring the program to the student. Need extra help in math? Have a particularly high or low score? Have a learning obstacle? No problem -- we'll build the program just for you.



  • 6 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
  • 2 Hour Session Length
  • 100 Strategy Flash Cards
  • 4 Official Practice Tests
  • Flexible Scheduling

  • $999

18 Hours
+ Online Access

  • 9 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
  • 2 Hour Session Length
  • 100 Strategy Flash Cards
  • Unlimited Access to Video Vault
  • Unlimited Official Practice Tests
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • $1499


30 Hours
+ Online Access

  • 15 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
  • 2 Hour Session Length
  • 100 Strategy Flash Cards
  • Unlimited Access to Video Vault
  • Unlimited Official Practice Tests
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • $2499

Looking for larger 1-on-1 plans?

50 Hours
+ Online Access

  • 25 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
  • 2 Hour Session Length
  • Unlimited Access to Video Vault
  • 2 Hour Session Length
  • Unlimited Official Practice Tests
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • College Essay Writing Assistance Included
  • $3999

80 Hours
+ Online Access

  • 40 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
  • 2 Hour Session Length
  • Unlimited Access to Video Vault
  • 2 Hour Session Length
  • Unlimited Official Practice Tests
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • College Essay Writing Assistance Included
  • $5749

Questions? Speak with an expert: 1-866-210-4335


From beginning to end, the Test Geek ACT tutoring program is all about the student. Here's a snapshot of what you can look forward to:

ACT Tutor Match

We will match you with a tutor near you, and he or she will reach out to you to make introductions and schedule the first session at a time that is convenient for both you and your student. Sessions typically last two hours and can be held in your home or a public library.

You Stay Informed

The tutor will keep you informed on your student's progress through either conversations after each session (if sessions are held in your home) or email notes sent to you after each session. Our goal is for you to know exactly what is happening in sessions and how your son or daughter is improving.

Official ACT Practice Tests

Our private tutoring relies heavily on the use of official ACT practice tests. All of our students receive homework between sessions, and all of that homework is out of official tests. At the next session, homework is reviewed, and the tutor will go over the problems your student missed directly with him or her. This is a very effective process.

Testimonials From Our Customers

Sophie got a 33 (top 1%) on her ACT! She was offered a full ride from KU in the chemical engineering program. She will be starting in the Fall. Thank you so much for your help with all of this wonderful news. :). It was well worth the work and investment in your program.

Katie H., Test Geek Parent

I have never been more pleased with a company for its attention to detail and concern for its customers! My daughter improved her score by over 300 points! I would highly and without reservation recommend Test Geek for ANY student's SAT prep.

Sheena M., Test Geek Parent

Our son did their SAT tutoring program last fall, and I have nothing but great things to say about this place. Our son's SAT score was in the low 1200s. After Test Geek, he got a 1410! He is so happy about it, and we are so thankful that we picked you. A+!

Dennis C., Test Geek Parent

I did the private tutoring program, and my tutor was the best. From the beginning, I knew that my score was going to go up. My teacher was able to break the test down in ways I hadn't even thought of, and I am so happy because I got into my first choice college!

Ariana N., Test Geek Student
Get In Touch


Our ACT tutoring matches your student one-on-one with a 99th percentile tutor. We've answered most of the questions we often receive below, but if we haven't answered yours, feel free to give us a call at 1-866-210-4335.

Is the ACT tutoring program customized for my student's needs?

Yes, completely. The ACT is generally a straightforward test, but since there are four different content areas and a tight timing requirement, there are a lot of ways two students might have the same score but different needs. Our program is customized based on what your student needs, and we have a strong track record of helping kids from all across the score spectrum, including those making the jump from 18 to 22 as well as those needing to turn a 30 into a 33+.

Where will the ACT tutoring sessions be held?

Most students prefer to have the sessions held in their house. In some cases, the student's house might not be possible. In those cases, public libraries work well. We prefer to not have sessions in coffee shops. Whenever you first speak with your instructor, you can discuss with him or her what you prefer. Whenever possible, we try to accomodate your house as the session location if that is your preference. In certain cases, geography may make that difficult, but we will always advise you of that upfront.

Is the scheduling flexible?

Yes! Unlike our ACT prep classes, our private tutoring program does not have a fixed schedule. It is entirely up to you and your student. Many of our students have incredibly busy schedules, and we have been able to accomodate them well in the past. Our tutors have excellent evening and weekend availability, so we can work with nearly any scheduling requirements.

What if I don't like my tutor?

We are extremely picky about the tutors we hire, and this almost never happens. Not only are our tutors required to have a 99th percentile SAT or ACT score, they also go through rigorous teaching auditions to ensure they are good instructors. However, personalities differ, and occassionally things don't mesh in an ideal way. Our students can always request a tutor change, and we will assign a new tutor who might be a better fit. But again, this almost never happens.

What are your tutors' qualifications?

This is the most important question you can ask before picking an ACT tutor. The quality of the tutor matters more than anything else in this process. Our tutors have several important distinctions. First, they have all scored in the top 1% on the SAT or ACT. That is an incredibly high standard, and it is far higher than that of most companies offering test prep. However, being great at the ACT doesn't mean someone can teach those tests. We want tutors who can connect with students, so we put all of our tutor candidates through multiple rounds of teaching auditions to make sure they are good educators rather than just brainiacs. Finally, all of our tutors have graduated from top universities. We don't hire undergraduates. This combination of maturity, ACT expertise and teaching ability is powerful, and it has a proven record of producing serious test score improvements.

When should we start? How often will sessions take place?

We figure out when to start tutoring based on your target test date. If you don't have a target ACT test date yet, your goal should be for your student to have the score he or she needs by the end of their junior year. Sometimes that isn't possible, and the first couple of test dates during the senior year will work as well. Once we have the target test date figured out, we work backwards to determine tutoring session frequency. Our "benchmark" frequency is about once per week. However, there is certainly nothing wrong with going more frequently than this. Twice or even three times per week can be done successfully if the student's schedule allows it. We do not recommend meeting significantly less often than once per week, thought. We have found it to be inefficient in most cases.

I just want to focus on one section of the ACT. Can that be done?

Yes, absolutely. We have had students focus on as little as a single topic area within a section before. Our ACT tutoring program is completely customizable, which means you can use it however you see fit. One word of caution, however: Often, it is difficult to predict which sections will improve the most for a given student. It isn't unusual for a student to see significant improvements in the area that was originally his or her biggest strength. In most cases, points are points, no matter where they come from.

Will the ACT tutoring sessions cover test taking strategies?

Yes. Our tutoring program is designed to be comprehensive for students who need comprehensive prep (excluding students who specifically want to focus on one portion of the ACT). That means our goal is to get our students better at content and strategies. We want their actual math and grammar to improve, and we also want their timing and elimination of answer choices skills to improve as well.