The best ACT & SAT prep in Bethesda starts with the best tutors. Our top 1% tutors raise scores and help students get into the best colleges possible. We are passionate about creating the most effective prep program available, and our results are quite compelling: Our average student goes up 210 points on the SAT and nearly 4 points on the ACT. If your son or daughter has big dreams but modest test scores, we can help. We offer in-person 1-on-1 private tutoring and in-person group prep classes in Bethesda for every test date.

Top 1% Tutors

Tutor quality is the single most important factor in your student's improvement. All of our tutors have scored in the top 1% on the test and have gone through multiple teaching auditions to ensure they are great communicators. No one has a higher standard.

Strategy & Content Improvement

Getting better at the SAT and ACT requires getting better at both the underlying academic concepts as well as test taking strategies. Our programs hit both sides of this equation, ensuring your kid gets a better score.

Two In-Person Formats

Two prep options in Bethesda so you can pick the path that meets your needs

In-Person 1-on-1

Work 1-on-1 and in-person on a flexible schedule with a customized program.

In-Person Group

Work in a group of 6-10 students on a fixed schedule and program.

  • Customized based on your kid's strengths and weaknesses
  • Flexible scheduling, with weekends and evenings available
  • Homework out of official practice tests in between every session
  • Maximum improvement and an efficient use of time
  • Pricing: Starts at $999
  • Six instruction sessions and three official practice tests
  • Prep over a four week period leading up to target test date
  • Core academic review plus test taking strategies
  • Small class sizes of 6-10 students
  • Pricing: $799

  • Testimonials From Our Customers

    Sophie got a 33 (top 1%) on her ACT! She was offered a full ride from KU in the chemical engineering program. She will be starting in the Fall. Thank you so much for your help with all of this wonderful news. :). It was well worth the work and investment in your program.

    Katie H., Test Geek Parent

    I have never been more pleased with a company for its attention to detail and concern for its customers! My daughter improved her score by over 300 points! I would highly and without reservation recommend Test Geek for ANY student's SAT prep.

    Sheena M., Test Geek Parent

    Our son did their SAT tutoring program last fall, and I have nothing but great things to say about this place. Our son's SAT score was in the low 1200s. After Test Geek, he got a 1410! He is so happy about it, and we are so thankful that we picked you. A+!

    Dennis C., Test Geek Parent

    I did the private tutoring program, and my tutor was the best. From the beginning, I knew that my score was going to go up. My teacher was able to break the test down in ways I hadn't even thought of, and I am so happy because I got into my first choice college!

    Ariana N., Test Geek Student

    In-Person 1-on-1

    In-person with a top 1% tutor, on a schedule that works for you


    Get more quality prep done in less time. The entire tutoring program is customized based on your kid's strengths and weaknesses, and scheduling can easily work around school and extracurricular commitments.


    We have a strong track record of raising scores and getting students into top colleges. Our Bethesda SAT & ACT tutoring program is the most powerful way to massively raise scores in the shortest possible time.


    Our private tutoring students can schedule sessions at a time that works for them. Our tutors have great evening and weekend availability, so it's easy to work around students' busy schedules.


    ACT & SAT tutoring is all about tailoring the program to the student. Need extra help in math? Have a particularly high or low score? Have a learning obstacle? No problem -- we'll build the program just for you.


    12 HOURS

    • 6 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
    • 2 Hour Session Length
    • 100 Strategy Flash Cards
    • 4 Official Practice Tests
    • Flexible Scheduling

    • $999

    18 Hours
    + Online Access

    • 9 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
    • 2 Hour Session Length
    • 100 Strategy Flash Cards
    • Unlimited Access to Video Vault
    • Unlimited Official Practice Tests
    • Flexible Scheduling
    • $1499


    30 Hours
    + Online Access

    • 15 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
    • 2 Hour Session Length
    • 100 Strategy Flash Cards
    • Unlimited Access to Video Vault
    • Unlimited Official Practice Tests
    • Flexible Scheduling
    • $2499

    Looking for larger 1-on-1 plans?

    50 Hours
    + Online Access

    • 25 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
    • 2 Hour Session Length
    • Unlimited Access to Video Vault
    • 2 Hour Session Length
    • Unlimited Official Practice Tests
    • Flexible Scheduling
    • College Essay Writing Assistance Included
    • $3999

    80 Hours
    + Online Access

    • 40 Sessions of 1-on-1, in-Person Tutoring
    • 2 Hour Session Length
    • Unlimited Access to Video Vault
    • 2 Hour Session Length
    • Unlimited Official Practice Tests
    • Flexible Scheduling
    • College Essay Writing Assistance Included
    • $5749

    In-Person Group

    Small groups (6-10 students) working together toward their target test date


    We have a hard cap of ten students on all of our prep classes, so you won't be just a face in the crowd.


    Our prep classes meet six times for instruction sessions and three times for practice tests -- all for $799.


    Our SAT & ACT prep classes are designed to lead students right up to their intended test date.


    All of the homework and practice tests we use are official tests directly from test makers.

    Questions? Speak with an expert: (240) 465-0037

    Highly-Qualified Bethesda SAT Tutors

    There is nothing that is more important to your son or daughter's test prep success than the quality of the tutor in the room. We are passionate about hiring and training the best instructors in Bethesda, which is why we pay our instructors more than most companies and have very low turnover. Our tutors are the most valuable part of what we do. Can we brag on them for a bit?


    All of our tutors have scored in the top 1% on the SAT or ACT. That's not enough to be a great tutor, but it is a necessary part of the equation. This is an extremely high standard: 99% of the population doesn't meet this requirement.


    Being ridiculously smart isn't enough to be a great tutor, so all of our tutoring candidates go through multiple rounds of teaching auditions to make sure your student will love working with them. We highly value engaging, interactive tutoring sessions.


    Except for very rare exceptions, our tutors are college graduates. We think your student's tutor should be a role model and aspirational figure, and our tutors have attended some of the best universities in the world.

    Last year, we hired fewer than 3% of our tutoring applicants.


    Tutoring Applications Received


    Interviews Conducted


    Tutors Hired

    See Who Made the Cut

    Get In Touch

    Bethesda SAT Prep & ACT Prep FAQ

    Below are the most common questions we are asked about ACT & SAT prep. We love talking about this stuff, so if you'd like to chat about your situation, please give us a call at (240) 465-0037.

    Our average score improvement on the SAT is currently 210 points, and our ACT improvement average is between 3 and 4 points. Keep in mind, however, that improvement potential varies depending on where the student starts. A student with a 900 on the SAT is likely to see a larger improvement than a student with a 1300. However, even if that student with a 1300 "only" moves up to a 1420, that is a very big 120 points in the college admissions world.
    We do a few things. First, we improve our students' content ability. The SAT and ACT are both content-driven tests now, and the days of getting major jumps from little tricks are gone. We do have a few tricks, but the bulk of the work comes from actually getting better at algebra, grammar, etc. Next, we try to remedy any particular weaknesses a student has. For example, if he or she is running out of time on the reading section, we do some things to help the student either read more efficiently or pursue a strategy that doesn't involve reading every part of every passage. Finally, we are all about spending time in official practice tests. Knowing the underlying content is great, but there is no substitute for doing real tests problems. Having the student go over official problems that he or she missed with an expert instructor is probably the most effective way to spend time once the basic content has been covered.
    Both programs use the same instructors and the same curriculum. Private tutoring is more efficient and is often more effective for most students. Some students prefer group settings, however. A lot of this comes down to personal preference. However, we have intentionally priced our private tutoring options to be as competitive as possible because we really believe in its value.
    For most students, the answer is either! The tests are quite similar these days, and nearly every college will consider either test equally. However, some students seem to have a score disparity between the two exams. It is often tough to predict which students will have a significant difference between the tests, though. The most accurate way to figure out which test to take is to call us at (240) 465-0037 and request a free diagnostic quiz.
    We have a hard cap of ten students, but most of our courses are more like 5-8 students. We intentionally keep our ACT & SAT prep classes small because we think this fosters a better learning environment. We want students to feel comfortable enough to ask questions as they arise and for the instructor to have a good feel for what is going on with each student.
    There are a couple options. One is to sign up for one of our SAT prep classes and then add a couple sessions of private tutoring to cover the differences present on the ACT. The SAT and ACT are very similar now, so this option works well. The other option is to simply sign up for private tutoring. All of our private tutoring options can hit both the SAT and ACT. We've had plenty of students take both routes, so give us a call to talk about what might be best for you.
    Yes, absolutely. We offer private tutoring across Bethesda, including Glendale. Call us to discuss.
    First, no, it is not unusual. We regularly hear from parents whose son or daughter has a very lackluster score on the SAT despite being great at school. First, you have to understand that the SAT and ACT are both very different than high school tests. The idea behind both tests is to take reasonably basic content and test it in ways that require problem solving. So right off the bat, there's the potential that your son or daughter, who is doing great in Calculus, could simply be rusty on Algebra 1 topics that he or she did in 8th grade. Also, because the SAT and ACT both seek to test problem solving abilities, the tests look and feel very different than high school tests do, particularly in the math section. Memorizing steps simply doesn't work.

    The good news in all of this is that good students who are underperforming typically see great results from SAT prep. We've had some Bethesda SAT prep and ACT prep students who have had astonishing improvements because they were smart, hardworking kids who simply needed some targeted instruction.